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Corrections: Exercise 3 - Prison life:
survival in prison and the inmate code
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Every prison subculture (a culture within a major culture) has rules
of behavior known as the inmate code, which often has greater influence
than the formal prison rules. Prisoners who violate these rules might
be isolated, physically attacked, or even killed by other inmates.
The most common rules of inmate code are:
Don’t interfere with the interests of other inmates:
never betray each other; stay away from each other’s business.
Don’t quarrel with fellow inmates.
Don’t exploit other inmates: keep your promise; don’t
steal from fellow inmates.
Be tough and don’t lose your dignity: try to avoid conflict;
but once there is a conflict, do not weaken.
Don’t give respect to prison authorities: don’t
support the guards or the prison administration over the interests
of fellow inmates.