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  Writing Tutorials
Generating Ideas
Exercise 1: How to generate ideas for your essay
Exercise 2: How to organize ideas you generated
Exercise 3: Generating and organizing ideas for your essay
Exercise 4: Completing essay outlines
Exercise 5: Completing essay outlines
Test What You Have Learned
Introduction and Thesis
Exercise 1: Parts of an introductory paragraph
Exercise 2: Identifying different types of opening hooks
Exercise 3: Components of an introductory paragraph
Exercise 4: Sequencing the sentences of an introductory paragraph
Exercise 5: Identifying problems with thesis statements
Exercise 6: Identifying and correcting errors in thesis statements
Test What You Have Learned
Paragraph Structure
Exercise 1: Identifying the features of a paragraph
Exercise 2: Choosing appropriate topic sentences
Exercise 3: Writing topic sentences
Exercise 4: Identifying sentences that affect unity
Exercise 5: Sequencing the sentences of a paragraph
Exercise 6: Using linking words in a paragraph
Exercise 7: Writing cohesive paragraphs
Exercise 8: Selecting the correct concluding sentence for each body paragraph
Exercise 9: Correcting bad concluding sentences in body paragraphs
Test What You Have Learned
Paragraph Development
Exercise 1: Adding support to your paragraph
Exercise 2: Adding details to a body paragraph
Exercise 3: Using a variety of supporting techniques
Exercise 4: Writing specific details in body paragraphs
Exercise 5: Making conclusions or generalizations
Test What You Have Learned
Concluding Paragraph
Exercise 1: Parts of a concluding paragraph
Exercise 2: Choosing correct concluding paragraphs
Test What You Have Learned
Revising and Editing
Exercise 1: Learning to revise and edit
Exercise 2: Revising an essay
Exercise 3: Editing essays
Exercise 4: Editing essays
Test What You Have Learned - Revising
Test What You Have Learned - Editing
Writing Research Papers
Exercise 1: Introduction to writing a research paper
Exercise 2: What makes a good research topic?
Exercise 3: Types of sources
Exercise 4: Evaluating internet resources
Exercise 5: Sorting notes for your research paper
Exercise 6: Outlining
Exercise 7: Formatting your research paper
Exercise 8: Writing APA-style references
Exercise 9: Writing reference entries
Exercise 10: Paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism
Exercise 11: Summarizing lengthy material for your research paper
Example of an Outline for a Research Paper
Example of Research Paper (This is a PDF file)

  Grammar Tutorials
Verb Forms
Exercise 1: Correcting verb phrases with a missing verb
Exercise 2: Fixing verbs that are missing a final –s
Exercise 3: When to use an -ed ending
Exercise 4: Using the past participle form (-ed/-en) after have or be
Exercise 5: Using the base form after modals (could, must) and do
Exercise 6: Using infinitives (to act) or gerunds
Exercise 7: Review: Fixing errors with verb forms
Verb Tense
Exercise 1: Using verb tenses correctly in your writing
Exercise 2: Using simple past (acted) or present perfect (have acted)
Exercise 3: Choosing the right verb in conditional sentences
Exercise 4: Using verb tenses to write about the past
Exercise 5: Using verb tenses to discuss problems and solutions (e.g., ACT essays)
Nouns and Articles
Exercise 1: When to use singular and plural nouns
Exercise 2: Using possessive endings correctly
Exercise 3: Making pronouns and nouns agree
Exercise 4: When to use a/an or no article
Exercise 5: When to use a/an or the
Exercise 6: When to use the or no article with plural or noncount nouns
Subject-Verb Agreement
Exercise 1: Basic rules
Exercise 2: Subjects with several words
Exercise 3: Subjects with and, or, each, or –ing
Exercise 4: Sentences with there is / there are
Exercise 5: Making verbs agree with subjects
Word Forms
Exercise 1: Using nouns, adjectives, and adverbs correctly
Exercise 2: Using correct endings for nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
Exercise 3: Using adjectives with -ed and -ing endings correctly
Exercise 4: Review: Using nouns, adjectives, and adverbs correctly
Sentence Structure
Exercise 1: Correct word order in sentences (basic rules)
Exercise 2: Correct word order in sentences (additional rules)
Exercise 3: Using parallel structures in sentences
Exercise 4: Identifying and fixing problems with word order
Exercise 5: Correcting missing and repeated subjects
Exercise 6: Fixing incomplete sentences (fragments)
Exercise 7: Correcting run-ons and comma splices
Exercise 8: Review: Correcting fragments and run-ons
Sentence Combining
Exercise 1: Using coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, so)
Exercise 2: Using subordinating conjunctions (because, although)
Exercise 3: Choosing transitional expressions (however, in contrast)
Exercise 4: Using relative (adjective) clauses
Exercise 5: Review: Combining sentences
Editing Exercises
Exercise 1: Correcting words often confused (there vs. their)
Exercise 2: Avoiding double negatives
Exercise 3: Identifying mistakes with final S's
Exercise 4: Editing for grammar errors in a response essay
Exercise 5: Editing for grammar errors in a persuasive essay
Exercise 6: Editing for grammar errors in a sociology paper

  101 Course Tutorials
Reading Your Textbook
Exercise 1: Using your textbook effectively
Exercise 2: Getting familiar with the parts of a chapter
Exercise 3: Understanding the overall content of your reading
Exercise 4: Locating specific information in a reading passage
Exercise 5: Using context to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words
Exercise 6: Learning how to take better notes
Exercise 7: Practicing note-taking

Criminal Justice 101
Crimes, Criminals and Crime Statistics
Unit Highlights
Exercise 1: The concept of crime
Exercise 2: Levels of Criminal Intent
Exercise 3: eBehavior systems; measure of crime trends
Exercise 4: Causes of crime
Exercise 5: The legal categories of crime
Exercise 6: The criminal justice system
Exercise 7: The history of criminal justice and sentencing
Exercise 8: The juvenile justice system
Exercise 9: The rights of individuals in criminal procedures
Exercise 10: Unit Review Exercise
Key Terms
Law Enforcement
Unit Highlights
Exercise 1: Understanding the functions of major federal agencies
Exercise 2: Understanding the changing concept of policing
Exercise 3: Understanding police functions
Exercise 4: Understanding search and seizure, and arrest
Exercise 5: Learning about police subculture, police violence and police corruption
Exercise 6: Understanding police discretion
Exercise 7: Unit Review Exercise
Key Terms
Adjudication in Court
Unit Highlights
Exercise 1: Understanding the U.S. court structure
Exercise 2: Understanding the criminal court process and its participants
Exercise 3: Understanding pretrial procedures
Exercise 4: Understanding the steps in a jury trial
Exercise 5: Understanding different types of sentencing
Exercise 6: Understanding capital punishment and arguments for and against it
Exercise 7: Understanding the insanity defense
Exercise 8: Unit Review Exercise
Key Terms
Unit Highlights
Exercise 1: Jails vs. prisons and parole vs. probation
Exercise 2: Alternatives to incarceration
Exercise 3: Prison life: survival in prison and the inmate code
Exercise 4: Prisoners’ rights
Exercise 5: Unit Review Exercise
Key Terms

Government 101

Sociology 101


  CUNY Test Tutorials
CAT IN Reading
Introduction to the CAT in Reading Skills Test

Test What You Have Learned

CAT in Writing
Exercise 1: Introducing the CAT in Writing
Exercise 2: Understanding the directions for the CAT in Writing
Exercise 3: Identifying common problems with CATW introduction paragraphs
Exercise 4: Identifying good summaries for CATW essays
Exercise 5: Writing good summaries
Exercise 6: Identifying the parts of a good response paragraph
Exercise 7: Writing unified paragraphs
Exercise 8: Writing well-developed paragraphs for the CAT in Writing
Exercise 9: Using Effective Language
Exercise 10: Revising Your CAT Essay

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Funded by the U.S. Department of Education (Title V) and the
New York State Education Department (Perkins III)

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